Voter Information
In Arkansas, early voting for the 2024 General Election begins Monday, October 21. Election Day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
You must be at least 18 years old by Election Day and registered to vote by Monday, October 7, 2024, in order to participate in the election! In Arkansas, you can vote at any polling location in your county, but you will receive a ballot that contains only the candidates that represent the district where you live.
It is very important to verify your voter registration status prior to the election! This helps ensure that there are no unhappy surprises at the polling location when you arrive to vote. You can also use the VoterView tool to determine which voting districts you live in, such as your Arkansas House and Senate districts, Justice of the Peace district, and school board zone, and the polling places available in your county.
In Arkansas, voter registration and application for absentee ballots must be completed on paper. There is no online registration form. However, you can print out the voter registration form or the application for absentee ballot, fill it out completely, sign with a pen, and submit to your local County Clerk's office.
For residents of JP District 11, the closest polling places for early voting are the Faulkner County Library and the County Clerk's Office. On Election Day, the closest polling locations are the Library and ACTS Agape Church. The County Clerk's Office is not open for voting on Election Day.